Why Big Tech Wants You To Ditch Your Password

Why Big Tech Wants You To Ditch Your Password

Passwords are like the cockroaches of the internet. They really, despite all of our best efforts, are very hard to kill off. And companies have been trying to do it for years. The average office worker in the United States must keep track of between 20 to 40 different...
Disable Right Click In Web Page Using JavaScript

Disable Right Click In Web Page Using JavaScript

To secure your images or text sometimes you may want to add some security terms which at least stop normal users to copy your content. It could not stop geeks from stealing your stuff but still, you can cover a wide spectrum of visitors who don’t know more than...
How To Use VLC Media Player More As A Video Editor

How To Use VLC Media Player More As A Video Editor

Many PC users might have used a video player, which has its logo as a head turner bright coloured traffic cone. All these metaphors are used for one and only the legendary media player – VLC media player. We all might have used it to view videos of various...